RZM Isar Klinikum

PET-CT Munich city centre

Telephone availability

Monday – Friday 8.00 – 18.00 hrs

You will find our PET-CT centre in the immediate vicinity of the ISAR Clinic, on Munich’s Altstadtring in Sonnenstraße. The entrance is at the back of the hospital, right next to the car park.

At this location, we dedicate ourselves entirely to oncological imaging. Here we offer you PET-CT examinations in co-operation.

With this hybrid combination of high-resolution computer tomography and functional PET examination, metabolic changes can be localised precisely and in detail in your body. This can provide information about the success of a cancer therapy, for example.

Services at this location


089 / 896 000 – 0

Private consultation:

089 / 896 000 – 33

RZM fax number:

089 / 896 000 – 19

E-mail requests:
