Sonography (ultrasound)

We offer this service at the following locations:

Our centre uses 4 Accuson S 2000 devices (Siemens) and 1 Sonoline device (Siemens), which are equipped with high-resolution transducers, colour duplex technology and THI.

Sonographie München

Sonography in Munich: the examinations

  • Ultrasound examination of the abdomen (IGeL)
  • Ultrasound examination of the female and male mammary glands
  • Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland and salivary glands

The results of the examination will be discussed with you immediately by the doctor carrying out the examination.

You will also receive paper printouts of the relevant images. You will find information on how to prepare for the examination in the Preparing for the examination section.


089 / 896 000 – 0

Private consultation:

089 / 896 000 – 33

RZM fax number:

089 / 896 000 – 19

E-mail requests: