Contrast media

Information on the administration of contrast media

In the following report you will find further information on contrast media for MRI and CT.

Contrast agent administration and kidney function (MRI and CT)

For computed tomography (CT) using iodine-containing intravenous contrast media and for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using gadolinium-containing contrast media, certain rules apply to patients with impaired kidney function.

The glomerular filtration rate according to Cockroft-Gault can be calculated to decide whether contrast media administration is feasible.

Behaviour in case of known contrast medium allergy

Contrast media cannot be administered in an outpatient setting in the case of known, manifest contrast media allergies (MRI or CT contrast media).

Radiologie Patientenportal | Kontrastmittel MRT CT

Contrast agent administration and thyroid function

For iodine-containing contrast media for X-ray and CT

The basal TSH (laboratory value) must be available before the administration of iodine-containing contrast media. The measured value should be a maximum of 3 months old and can be determined by your GP.

A low TSH value indicates hyperthyroidism. Iodine-containing contrast media can then only be administered after the thyroid gland has been blocked with specific medication.

Standard values for basal TSH vary among different laboratories. The threshold values are noted on the laboratory report.

GFR (Cockcroft-Gault) calculator

Note: The final decision on the examination is made by the doctor in charge in our practice. No treatment decision can be derived from the calculation formula provided here.


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